Welcome to USG's Academic Schedule and Events System

This website provides a comprehensive list of the academic schedule of classes, academic events, internally sponsored events, and conferences.

Traditional Schedule of Classes

A traditional view of the Schedule of Classes can be viewed by clicking Schedule of Classes from under the Links menu.

Live Schedule

To begin to use this website:

  • Click on Create a Reservation to see the list of available reservation forms

  • Start a custom search by clicking on Events or Locations under the Browse menu.

NOTE: To view by degree program please click on the Group tab. For best results use the Daily or Weekly List tabs.

For questions regarding room reservation requests, please contact the USG Academic Scheduling Office at  usg-scheduling@umd.edu or 301-738-6134.

For technical support contact the Office of Information Technology at  usg-itservicedesk@umd.edu or 301-738-6363.